Bahraini authorities have deported 139 workers for violating the country’s regulations, bringing the total number of workers deported since November 26 to 399.
Bahrain’s Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) said in a statement that it carried out 1,467 inspections and visits between December 24 and 30, 2023. As a result, 38 violating and irregular workers were also detained.
“1,436 inspection visits were carried out in different shops across all governorates, as well as 31 joint inspection campaigns, of which 16 were conducted in Capital Governorate, four in Muharraq Governorate, seven in Northern Governorates and four in Southern Governorates,” LMRA said.
Source: Kingdom of Bahrain Labor Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA)
LMRA further said government agencies that took part in the campaign ranged from the Ministry of Interior represented by the Nationality, Passport and Residency Authority (NPRA), the Directorate General of Criminal Investigation and Forensic Evidence, the Penal Enforcement Department, provincial police departments, the Ministry of Labor (MOL), the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the Metropolitan Municipality.
The latest inspections by Bahraini authorities are part of the LMRA’s regular campaign to monitor the conditions of workers in the country.
During the week of December 10-16, 2023, the LMRA conducted 1,069 inspection campaigns and visits, resulting in the detention of 100 violators and irregular workers and the deportation of 145 violators. Also, during the Kingdom’s inspection round from November 26 to December 2, 2023, 121 violators and irregular workers were detained and 115 violators were deported.