While no one can argue with the fact that The Fresh Market isn’t the place for cost-conscious grocery shopping, neither can anyone argue with the excellent shopping experience: Despite the higher prices, the tranquil, aromatic atmosphere alone is enough to make you want to take another walk around the store.
The store is packed with quality produce, freshly baked breads, and a variety of fun nuts, grains, and chocolate-covered items. As a grocery shopping enthusiast, I could easily spend an hour alone browsing the shelves of unique spices and sauces, but these perks aren’t what draw me to the store (though I often can’t help but try something new). The store’s chuck and chicken sale on Tuesdays makes the extra grocery trip worth it.
Courtesy of The Fresh Market
About Tuesday’s Deals
Every Tuesday, boneless, skinless chicken breasts and freshly ground chuck meat are available for $2.99 per pound to loyalty members (free to sign up with just your phone number and email address) or $3.99 per pound for non-members. The chuck meat is ground daily and shipped with the chicken in a to-go cooler near the meat and seafood counter. Browse the selection to find the portion size that’s right for you.
Courtesy of The Fresh Market
Why a trip to the grocery store is worth it
If the price doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what will. You may not be into chuck or chicken, but this deal will save you a ton of money. Some form of chicken or ground beef (and often both) is almost always on my weekly shopping list, so it makes sense for me to make a special trip to the grocery store to stock up on basic ingredients at such low prices. And even if I don’t plan on cooking with protein on Tuesday night or within the next few days, I’ll often stop by the store just to pick up ingredients and stash them in the freezer, saving me money the next time I go to Publix.
No matter how you slice it, at under $3 a pound, you’re saving over 50%, so even if shopping at The Fresh Market isn’t in your regular shopping spree (or budget), it’s hard to beat.
How to use the materials
The options with these two staples are endless. I prefer chicken (especially thighs) with the skin on because the fat renders and enhances the flavor as it cooks.
For chicken:
I love it for a crispy chicken schnitzel dinner (I use any leftovers as a topping on a salad for lunch the next day), simmered in broth for a soup, or shredded chicken breasts.
For beef:
And speaking of beef, although right now is summer smashburger season, I usually use it to make Greek meatballs, easy skillet dinners, homemade Bolognese, and more.