MONROE, La. (KNOE) – Ouachita Parish’s nonprofits and arts and culture industries generated millions of dollars in local, state and federal tax revenue in 2022, according to a year-long study conducted by the City of Monroe.
The City of Monroe released the results of its Arts and Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) study on Monday, July 29. City officials said AEP6 “uses a rigorous methodology to document the economic and social contributions of the nation’s nonprofit arts and cultural industries.”
“The arts are more than just beautiful paintings, beautiful dance and great music. We see and hear that, but what many don’t realize is that the arts are big business and contribute greatly to our local and regional economies,” said Barry Stevens, president and CEO of the Northeast Louisiana Arts Council.
Key figures from the AEP6 survey for Ouachita Parish include:
Overall direct economic activity was valued at $60 million, with other indicators including: Total spending by arts and culture industries valued at $52.2 million Total spending by organizations valued at $7.8 million Ouachita Parish’s nonprofit arts and culture industries supported 978 jobs and also generated: Local, state and federal tax revenues of $8,288,903 Event-related spending by spectators of $52,201,864 The 12-month study period showed the following data points: A typical event attendee spends $47.28 per person per event, excluding admission fees. 15.1% of arts and culture attendees were from outside the parish. The events surveyed had a total attendance of over 1 million people. Survey results indicate the community values arts and culture. 91.7% of respondents agreed that the activity or venue they attended was “a source of local pride for the community.” 85.2% expressed a “sense of loss when that activity or venue is no longer available.”
Mr Stevens said the survey showed how important the arts and culture industries are in local communities.
“The data from this survey proves beyond a doubt the importance of supporting and enjoying the arts in Region 8. To ignore this data is to miss the vital role the arts play in our economic landscape and the importance of the continued community presence in the places where the arts take place,” Stevens said.
The AEP6 study revealed that the U.S. nonprofit arts and culture sector is a $151.7 billion industry.
“The impact arts and culture have on our economy is incredible, especially in Louisiana, where culture means business. The numbers are staggering,” said Chief Economic and Cultural Development Officer Kelsey McCrary. “The City is committed to continuing to support and expand the visibility of our creative economy. Arts don’t just equal business or tourism, it’s life. It’s essential that we all participate in the vast amount of arts that surrounds us, whether it’s visual arts, dance, live music or theater.”
To read the Ouachita Parish report, click here.
To read the full report, a map of the 373 study areas and a summary of the economic impacts of each, click here.
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